
Looking after staff well-being

Investing in the health of your employees will deliver tangible benefits to your company. Corporate health and wellness programs are designed to support and improve the holistic wellbeing of employees through a healthy work culture. Research has clearly shown that when employees feel valued and appreciated by their...

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Add 3 years onto your lifespan?

REDUCE YOUR BIOLOGICAL AGE AND LIVE LONGER AND BETTER Written by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, a new book called “Younger You” unveils the secrets she learned in her first-of-its-kind study, which proved via peer-reviewed research that you don’t need expensive, inaccessible and risky medications to reverse your biological age...

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Appreciation improves productivity...

When employees know their hard work is appreciated and recognised, they feel that their work is valued. ... In addition to improving productivity, showing appreciation in the workplace also increases employee engagement and dedication. Appreciation helps build staff loyalty, and improved your personal and corporate brand.   The...

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The insane benefits of water-only fasting...

What we ultimately want is a good life and a good death – quality of a fully functional life, independent of medication! It can get confusing with the many diets and eating protocols out there, but intermittent fasting has been proven to counteract chronic ailments such as diabetes,...

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