

It's a busy time of year with friends and family - so being prepared is key in not letting your health suffer from eating poor quality food, and ensuring you don't get back to work next year with a pile of guilt and bad feelings "under your belt".In...

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Improving Diet for Disease Risk...

EATING FOR INFLAMMATIONPeople are wondering "Is COVID even still a thing?", and the answer is "Yes it is" - 238,000 global reported cases in August 2024 - , but the info below is probably relevant for any virus, and your health in general.Recent research corroborated the link between healthy...

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Regardless of age or individual circumstances, you can maintain excellent health far into old age...

"The Fit Generation" is an inspiring award-winning documentary that explores the lives of active older adults in Canada, particularly those in their 70s and 80s. Despite facing significant health challenges and loss of loved ones, those featured in the film continue to engage in physically challenging activities...

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How to stabilise your blood sugar when eating...

Here we focus on how to balance blood-sugar levels, even when eating carbs or sugar. If you often feel fatigue or have food cravings not long after eating, then read on to find out a possible cause.  Glucose spikes can have short- and long-term health consequences ranging from fatigue, hunger, and cravings,...

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